26 April 2011

backlog 3: first day to the field and first day at the beach

Erin took me on a lovely day trip to Lakka beach, about 40 minutes drive from our house, for a lazy day in the sun. We parked at a small seaside hotel and found a proprietor to quickly prepare us a lunch of fresh grilled barracuda, before relaxation commenced.

dog's day
The place was fairly empty, with only one or two kids peddling small wares like necklaces and local masks. We set up shop, dined deliciously, and then had a major sighting...the glass eater. Now, I know that there is food insecurity within SaLone, but I've a feeling that very few resort to this!He, covered in body paint and sweat, approached us and encouraged us to watch and snap photos before he began to eat handfuls of broken, green glass followed by handfuls of hot, golden sand. We were both rather horrified and asked him to stop before he put the glass shards up towards his eyes, suggesting he would start slicing his eyeballs, Buñuel style. He stopped, rubbed his belly, and then regurgitated shards into a massive bowl, before telling me he's been doing this since the age of 8. I gave him the equivalent of 50 cents and have had nightmares ever since.Images below; proceed with caution!
glass eater
glass eater

Within a few days, I took to the field for my first site in order to assess how our tools are being used at Ministry health facilities. As luck would have it, and a bit easier on the eyes and mind than the prior visit, I returned to Lakka to visit the District hospital where I met with the Matron on duty, strapped on my 'Attendance Monitoring' hat, placed my best foot forward, and commenced doing spot checks on various staff supposed to be working the wards of the hospital. Pretty good report, all and all, with a few snaps to boot.
on call, Lakka hospital
reporting to duty, Lakka hospital

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what happens when the guy goes to the bathroom? i think the sl tourism board needs a few pointers on proper beach attractions..

even though they have a sordid past, I hope your having yummy lobster every day.. who doesnt have a crazy relative or two.. so their relatives happen to be cockroaches..

keep up the great photos minus the scary people.