09 June 2008

Backlog: June 7

There were five flights leaving Nairobi for Juba within one hour of each other. Business, both of the humanitarian breed and of the opportunistic lucrative type, is booming in Juba, evidently. Pre-boarding took all of five minutes and the two hour wait before that in the international terminal was made tolerable by new friendships with a Lebanese water/sanitation engineer working for ACF and a S. Korean wat/san engineer headed to Rumbek with the Malaria consortium.

My empty, 2-hour flight with a significantly lower than anticipated maximum cruising altitude, let my anxieties fester as I realized that I have no pages left in my passport and still have three countries (Sudan, Ethiopia, UAE) that I am meant to enter this summer.
have you ever traveled in a plane so empty?

angsty flying classy

Once moving out of the great Kenyan rift valley and over the rolling greenlands of southern Sudan my elation soared, however, as it was just so beautiful to see this huge country, seemingly placid, yet so complex and multifaceted, only a mile below me.

Over African skies:
over African skies

a village from the Air:

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