22 June 2008

goodnight moon

My mom told me to buck up - for public image - so I'm going to try and stop bitching as much about this crazy semi-autonomous polity.

The first weekend here was relaxing and full of frenzied football watching. The generator stays on late, and the TV serves as the biggest community builder I can think of. Maybe that's what all of SS needs. Lots of boob tubes!

When the generator is off I spend my time distracting myself from myself. During the electricity (and internet) free periods of time this weekend I was to be found doing one of the following: napping (something I am enjoying for the first time since highschool), exercising (ok, dancing like a fool to whatever electro-mashup I can pull from this external harddrive or yoga-ing on the dirty floor), bathing (bucket style, sometimes with hot water from the boiler) reading (in the middle of Dark Star Safari and The Emperor's Children), or complaining to Laura (what will I do when you leave next week!?) who thankfully commissioned someone to prepare doro wat for dinner and subsequently approved Wat as an accepted scrabble entry. Friday afternoon I did take a stroll through 'town' - which is a collection of empty mud/wooden stalls, drunk men, and kids smiling at me - and enjoyed a nice hot Bedele.

I'm excited for tomorrow, when I will be distributing about a million maxi-pads. Evidently SAVE has had them, ready for dissemination, for a few months but there hasn't been a gender-appropriate person to do the work, heh. I wonder what exactly this work entails. I brought some markers and colored pencils - maybe posters?

In other good news, I'm looking forward to August travels in Ethiopia with my good friend, Luellen, who is working there this summer on an education project. In researching our potential itinerary I stumbled upon wiki-travel. Any tourists looking for insights concerning Sudan shouldn't hesitate to tour this entry! Love the warning at the top and found the link to the Juba travel guide worth a read as well.

Electricity is waning and a muddy trek back to my casa is in store. Adios internets.

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